Rose Colored Glasses

Just another weblog

Own It


Last night my family and I, met one of my cousins and her family visiting from New Mexico, at a nice restaurant at the Prudential Center in Boston. I seldom see her and we were looking forward to it. My son has been going to restaurants with us since he was a baby, and naturally knows how to behave, but this particular night he was …shall we say….., annoying.

When I woke up this morning I had an epiphany. I realized that things wouldn’t have been so bad last night, had I not paid attention to them, and emphasized my displeasure of  my son’s behavior, which of course only made it worse. This was a perfect example of how things turn sour, when we stay out of alignment or balance with who we really are. I have to remind myself from time to time that it doesn’t matter what I think about someone elses behavior but my own. Our souls only know well-being, and it is up to us individually, to decide whether we want to detour from that or not. It’s true that children need role models, and I’m afraid I wasn’t a good one last night. My behavior taught him to misbehave, and how to create big reactions from others, when I should have taught him instead, that what he was doing was only entertaining to himself, and eventually he would have  thrown it out. What I should have shown him instead, was another way of getting people’s attention, such as, looking at the person I was talking too, being a good listener, and taking turns in the conversation. Since we hadn’t seen each other in so long, I forgot about including my son in the conversation. After much thought, I realized that I owned the situation. It was my behavior that I was upset about!  Why did I give up my well-being or balance? There are many vibrations, good and bad, that we run into on a daily basis. What do you do when someone rubs you the wrong way? Re-center yourself  by focusing on your heart center, and then carry on in a peaceful manner. Remind yourself that,  “this too shall pass”.  If I’m OK, then everything else around me will eventually be OK too. It’s all how you look at it.

Author: roseglasses

I spend most of my time looking for things that make me feel good, and it is in that place where dreams are found.

2 thoughts on “Own It

  1. Just took a look at your wall because I see you commented on Mary O’s show. How in the heck did your get your husband to watch, my husband thinks I am crazy because every time he drives my car, Mary is tuned in to XM and it drives him up a wall. He just isn’t where I am in the universe yet. Anyway, I enjoyed reading “own it” I have now raised my family and I am always trying to impress on my daughter these kind of helpful tips with her beautiful children. Hind sight is 20/20

    • Hi Anne,

      It’s funny isn’t it? My husband and I are opposites too, yet what I have discovered is that when I stay focused upon the things that make ME feel good, and don’t let anyone take me out of my state of well-being, then eventually, people around me seem to stop their resistance……..because it not only doesn’t serve them, but “The Law of Attraction”, which means in short, (thought creates), will not let anything that doesn’t match my desires affect me. Either the distraction disappates, or removes themselves from the vacinity, and you have to be OK about that, or they simply let go of resistance, and go with the flow. If I’m in a great state of mind, then it’s easier for others to “let go of the oars” and join me in that state of well-being. I hope I haven’t gotten too philosophical on the subject, which I tend to do sometimes. : ) If interested, there is a book by Esther and Jerry Hicks called, The Law of Attraction, and based on what you’ve said, I think you might be the kind of person who would enjoy, and benefit greatly from that book, and of course there are many others too. Thank you for sharing anything that may have moved you with others. That is exactly why I write. Well-being is everything! God Bless!

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