Rose Colored Glasses

Just another weblog

Unlock the Mysteries of the Subconscious

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Having friends that we can count on are absolute treasures.  They are the kind of people who will do anything for you, and practically give their right arm for you! They are so kind and often, you may notice that some of them are sometimes overly generous. Maybe that someone is you, but have you ever asked yourself, if you have any friends who would do the same thing for you?? If not, then consider that perhaps you are not ALLOWING anybody to take care of you too. Why?…………… Spending the time contemplating that question, may help unlock your subconscious, and find unfounded beliefs about yourself, such as, (I don’t deserve it.), and you have held on to that thought for far too long, and therefore have accepted as truth. Did someone in your past make you believe that you were no good, not smart enough, not rich enough, or not going to amount to much when you grew up? I once was a teacher assistant in an eighth grade classroom. The first day of school the teacher gave each student a  smooth brown lunch bag, and they were to write down wonderful things about themselves on it. Each time a student would put  down another student their bag got twisted or crinkled a little.  Over time their bag is not smooth anymore but all twisted, wrinkled, and unattractive. That bag represented a person’s self-esteem, and how deeply we can be affected by insults, and put downs. What happens when they grow up? They subconsciously spend most of their life trying to prove there worthiness to others. Often they find themselves trying too hard to please other people. If you, or someone else you know find themselves at the end of the day, disappointed, depressed, or  just unfulfilled, then simply start shifting your thoughts to what you want, not what IS or what WAS. If you want someone to love, than define what it is you want in that someone, if you want someone to be as generous as you are to them, then imagine it, and most importantly, accept it when offered, with much appreciation. You like everyone else deserves it! With a lot of practice you can remove unwanted thoughts, and behaviors that have kept you for so long from receiving all that you have asked for. In time you can smooth out your lunch bag, and return to well-being.

Author: roseglasses

I spend most of my time looking for things that make me feel good, and it is in that place where dreams are found.

One thought on “Unlock the Mysteries of the Subconscious

  1. Love this!

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