Rose Colored Glasses

Just another weblog

What Does it Mean to Be 50?

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What does it mean to be fifty?  Well, I’ve recently arrived there, and now I can finally answer that question from my perspective that is. For me, I feel as if another curtain has been lifted, and suddenly things make more sense, and answers to questions asked long ago are realized. There’s a bit of a sense of  urgency to achieve things I’ve set out to do, however, with the wisdom I’ve gained, I know I don’t need to work at it, rather think what I want to do, spend time imagining what it will be like when it happens, and then, move to the next thought of whatever it is I’m doing. I learned that staying in the moment will keep me from regretting wasting precious time.

While it’s easy to let your mind travel to the past or future, it keeps you from living in the present, and now is all that we have . Often people spend there entire live’s hoping, and wishing, and regretting things, but at the same time they’ve also lost a lot of time not living in the moment. Once this moment is over, it won’t be back.

 I attended a “Celebrate Your Life Conference”, about four years ago in Phoenix AZ, and one of the classes I took, was offered by Byron Katie, author of “Loving What Is”. Katie came up with a formula of four questions to ask yourself, when you are unhappy about something. What unfolded was tremendous insight to not only the 40-year-old lady who volunteered to discuss her issue, but to every person in that room. The lady said that she was angry at her mother for leaving her, when she was 10 years old for one year. Katie asked her the first question. Is it true? Yes, she replied. 2. Are you absolutely sure it’s true? Pause……Yes, she replied. 3. Who would you be without that thought? As the lady searched her mind, she explained how she would feel more at ease, happier, and probably wouldn’t have the fear of being abandoned in her relationships. 4. Turn it around. While the lady put herself in her mom’s shoe’s, she discovered that her mother was young, and needed to get away to pull herself together in order to be a better mom to her, but more importantly, the lady realized that she herself, had left her mother for 30 years because she couldn’t forgive her!!! It was a very powerful moment, and the girl wept in grief. You see, she had spent 30 years of her own life, not living in the moment, but rather resenting her mom, and creating a great wall between them. The truth of the matter came forth, and we all realized the importance of living in the present moment. To be 50 can be nifty, and it certainly comes with wisdom too. It’s all how you look at it.

Author: roseglasses

I spend most of my time looking for things that make me feel good, and it is in that place where dreams are found.

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